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11 DECEMBER 1931 AND 19 JANUARY 1990

I would like more and more writers, poets, film makers to steal as much as they can, because truth is not my property, I am not its owner. let it reach in any way, in anybody's name, in any form, but let it reach. Beyond Psychology#3 Q#2 : Osho

If you really want to know who I am, you have to be as absolutely empty as I am. Then two mirrors will be facing each other, and only emptiness will be mirrored: two mirrors facing each other. But if you have some idea, then you will see your own idea in me."

"Only that which cannot be taken away by death is real. Everything else is unreal, it is made of the same stuff dreams are made of." ~OSHO♥

Monday, 29 August 2011

If you understand me, live that understanding, that's all.

If you understand me, live that understanding, that's all. If somebody is ready to understand it, good. If nobody is ready to understand it, that is nothing to bother about, that is their business. Don't become too concerned about others because that concern will disturb your own growth. Grow according to your inner light, and if you are full of light maybe some people will start understanding.

If my sannyasins start living exactly what I mean, then that's enough. A few people will certainly understand you, and only a few are capable of understanding it; the larger mob is incapable of understanding anything that goes beyond them. But that is their freedom. If they don't want to understand, it has not to be forced upon them.


Thursday, 25 August 2011

The meaning of Allaha by OSHO

[Prem means love, Allaha is a sufi name for God.]

Allaha is far more significant than the word 'God.' In fact no other word in any language of the world exists which is more important than this word. All other words used for God are at the most qualities of God. They are not as comprehensive as 'Allaha.' Allaha simply means existence. It contains all: it contains good, it contains bad; it contains life, it contains death. It is not a quality, but all the good qualities of the totality. And it does not mean existent, it means existence.

Man is an existent. God is existence Himself. To say 'God exists' is a tautology; it simply means 'existence exists.' It doesn't make sense. The tree exists, the man exists, the mountain exists, but not God. Existence is a quality of the mountain; with God it is the very spirit. The mountain exists today, tomorrow it may not exist. There was a time when it was not there; there will be a time when again it will not be there. God always is. You cannot use a past tense for God. It will be grammatically right but existentially wrong.

Tantra and Love making

 In Tantra, love-making is allowed only when you have learnt how to make love and yet keep your breath cool, rhythmic. Then a totally different quality comes to your love-making: it becomes prayerful; then it is sacred.


Love is the bridge on the gap of separation...


The urge to come near me is not in the physical plane...
The desire to see me is not really "to see me", but to"see" yourself, your totality...

Love is the bridge on the gap of separation...
Love is the unceasant striving to regain unity...
Love unites, while the mind separates...
Love is a pull, the unifying force...

Osho says that Love is the Doorsteps of the Temple of God...
God is nothing but the totality of the appearing different dimencions...

The objectivity in love hurts...
The other hurts us, as he remains "the other", the object of love...
That pain, that agony creates energy, which intensifies the pull...
In reality, the other is but a mirror to whom we project our deepest desire to re-cognise ourselves... 

The fear that you may feeling is just the resistance of the door which leads to freedom from all objects... Freedom from all objects equals to the totality of the Self... Don't get discouraged by the resistance of that door, it resists just because it has not opened for thousands of lives, so it's a bit rusty, love is the best lubricant for that door...

When the object of your love is the Master - the one who has become one with the whole, then your destiny is to re-cognise your true nature, to become one with the whole...

In the deepest level of love, one loses his identity, his ego, the very cause of separation... One becomes one with the beloved...
And when ones love expands so, that it becomes all-encompassing, he becomes one with the Whole - otherwise named God...

Beloved, spread your love around more and more, the ego dies in love and you, by and by, come closer to unity... And meditation prepares you to do so more efficiently...
Burn your torch from both sides, love and meditation...

Love & Light

Anand Sarmad

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Don't betray yourself.

An authentically religious man is an individual.

He is alone, and in his aloneness there is great beauty, great splendor.

I teach you that aloneness.

I teach you the beauty, and the grandeur, and the fragrance of aloneness.

In your aloneness you will reach to the heights of Everest.

In your aloneness you will be able to touch the farthest star.

In your aloneness you will blossom to your total potential.

Never become a believer,

never become a follower,

never become a part of any organization,

never become a part of any religion,

never become a part of any nation.

Remain authentically true to yourself.

Don't betray yourself.

OshO - Bodhidharma: The Greatest Zen Master, #10